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Tabs Studio extension for SQL Server Management Studio

Tabs Studio extends tab management in SQL Server Management Studio 19/18/17/2016/2014/2012 with multiple tab rows, vertical tabs, tab coloring, tab grouping, tab name shortening, tab renaming and keyboard tab navigation.

Multiple tab rows

Tabs Studio automatically creates multiple rows of tabs to make all SSMS tabs always visible:

Multiple tab rows in SSMS 18

Vertical tabs

To save vertical document space, you can enable vertical display of tabs:

Vertical tabs in SSMS 18

Color tabs

You can set automatic tab coloring rules to set distinct background and foreground tab color based on a part of the tab name. And you can manually underline a tab with Ctrl+Click or selecting a color from the tab context menu:

Color tabs in SSMS 18

Tab grouping

Groups of tabs like queries and tables can be automatically combined and displayed together, for better organization and to save screen space removing repetitive information:

Tabs grouped in SSMS 18

SSMS tabs grouping options

Tab name shortening

Unimportant text can be removed from tab names using built-in SSMS tab text options and using title splitting rules in Tabs Studio:

Short tab names SSMS 18

Rename tabs

A tab description can be added to a tab name either automatically from the document or manually on demand:

Tab comments in SSMS 18

And in SQLComment add-in options you can set the comment to completely replace the tab title.

Keyboard tab navigation

You can assign keyboard shortcuts to Tabs Studio tab navigation commands and go directly to a specific tab, to the next tab, to the first tab, to the previously selected tab. You can even reorder tabs using keyboard:

Tab navigation in SSMS 18

Please refer to the User guide for in-depth coverage of all available features.