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SingleRow add-in

The SingleRow add-in allows you to limit maximum number of tab rows and shows remaining tabs in a drop-down list similar to default Visual Studio behavior:

A single row of tabs and the drop-down list of hidden tabs

SingleRow adds style with the TabsStudioSingleRow:HiddenTabs button to open the drop-down list and binds it to the corresponding TabsPanel. SingleRow doesn't actually hide tabs - it only sets the IsTabHidden property for them. The style sets tab visibility based on this property. HiddenTabs button's appearance is also defined in this style and the button is collapsed when there are no hidden tabs.

Tabs are hidden in the least recently used order. After you have closed a visible tab and there is enough space, one hidden tab reappears. Hidden tabs in the drop-down list are sorted alphabetically.

Default number of tab rows is 1, but you can change it in the SingleRow add-in options dialog:

SingleRow options dialog

Two rows of tabs and the hidden tabs list

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